September is Self-Care Awareness Month

by | Sep 22, 2021

September is Self-Care Awareness Month. Why on earth am I, a VCIO, talking about self-care month?

Well, because I work with business owners, and business managers, who are often stretched too thin. Even if they don’t divulge their daily to-do list, I know they are overwhelmed. How? Because they are reactive to problems – instead of proactive in planning.

Most of the time, when I hear from a business owner or manager, it’s because there is a crisis.

I know most of us can go through life not knowing we need something because we don’t know it exists. However, I am here to tell you that I am a VCIO – I exist. Accordingly, you would benefit from a complimentary consultation with me.

Answer me this:

  • How much time (and associated stress) would you save if you didn’t have to worry about tech issues?
  • What would your day look like if tasks were automated, and your technology was fully integrated?
  • Imagine security breaches were no longer a concern because you were proactive and had a team and a plan in place?
  • Why don’t we deal with the things that would make us stress less and would likely make our lives easier?

Do one thing for yourself today.

Avoid tech burnout

If you’ve even thought about your technology today – whether you feel you’re paying too much or don’t have the right platforms, want to increase automation, and allow your team (whether remote, hybrid, or in-person) to function and collaborate, be proactive and get a professional in there to have their finger on the pulse.

What are you waiting for? A data breach? Or a rogue employee? What if your IT person quits or your system crashes?

Having a Virtual Chief Information Officer on hand can help you integrate your systems, increase automation and productivity, improve communication and workflow, and know when upgrades and changes will be needed. At the end of the day, a VCIO will end up saving you money and improving your systems – making your business more successful.

So celebrate Self-Care Awareness Month by getting the help that you deserve. Then you can go back to doing what you do best – to what you imaged life would look like as a business owner.

About eTegrity

We inspire and Guide Ceo’s and business owners to break through their ceilings of complexities to achieve their goals and a higher level of success as it relates to technology.

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