Protect Your Business from Remote Work Security Breaches

by | May 15, 2021

I recently read an article in Lehigh Valley Business about the increased security issues business are facing because of remote work. Basically, the article discusses how many technology security issues were not put in place as businesses converted to remote work. Perhaps in a rush to make the change, businesses intended to deal with security later. However, far too many still have not addressed security issues. This has led to an increase in ransomware attacks and security breaches. Therefore, you must be proactive to protect your business from remote work-related security breaches.


With vaccines going up and cases going down, there is hope and optimism that life is getting back to normal. That said, will all businesses go back to all in-person work? Most likely, no they will not. Remote work is here to stay for many. In fact, the article says, According to a February U.S. News and World report nearly 56% of Americans are still working from home in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It is safe to assume that the percentage of remote workers will decrease over time. It is also safe to assume that the percentage will not go to zero.

Bad Actors

Of course, cybercriminals and hackers have exploited and will continue to exploit this lack of security regardless of the size of your business.  Even with the best safeguards in place, it is a constant game of Whack-A-Mole. One of the biggest threats is ransomware. Basically, a hacker holds your data hostage until you pay to get it back. We saw it in the recent Colonial Pipeline Company ransomware attack. The company paid millions of dollars to get its operations back online. Obviously, these attacks can be devastating to your business. Ransomware is just one example of remote work-related security breaches.

Act Now

It is only a matter of time until you become a victim. You’ve already been skirting the issue and tempting fate. STOP. You must stay ahead of the hackers and cybercriminals out there. Give me a call to discuss your remote work security measures. I will help you protect your business from remote work-related security breaches.

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