Businesses handle IT in basically two ways – they have an in-house IT team or they use the services of an outsourced vendor or vendors. Either way, these IT professionals are essential to the success of any organization. They know how your systems work, how to secure data, how to access data and more. Because technology literally makes a business run, your company could be paralyzed without them. Your IT professionals certainly hold a lot of power in your organization. You rely on them to purchase hardware and software based upon their recommendations. But do you really know if they make the right decisions when spending your money. When I work for a client, the first thing I do is to look at these expenditures. Often, I find areas where business owners can save money on IT.
Third-Party Oversight
It is good business to have somebody from the outside look over your IT expenses. This independent professional can look at your IT bills, agreements, and environment to ensure that are indeed getting what you are paying for. Likewise, third-party oversight will give you confidence that you are paying for the proper technology. For example, I routinely find that companies pay for user licenses of software for people who are no longer with the company. Also, I find unnecessary expenditures for software and hardware that serve no useful business purpose. I can give many, many more examples of waste. Lastly, a third-party will be able to tell decision makers where they can save money by changing different systems altogether.
Call Me
At eTegrity, we offer free consultations to businesses. In a relatively short time, I can determine areas that are potential cost-savers. These cost savings can be rather significant. I recently discovered that a client was overpaying for many user licenses. Based upon this discovery, the client saved several thousand dollars per month. Wouldn’t you rather have that money in your pocket or reinvest into your business? With the right help, business owners can save money on IT. Call me, I can help.