The Blog

Level up Zoom Basics

Level up Zoom Basics

We hosted our first Zoom basics today and had an amazing turn out, we highlighted security, how to Zoom, all the way to branding and marketing using Zoom. what you need to Zoom and much more. Watch the on demand video here ,, Next training is on...

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Zoom Tips, Thanks Duke IT

Zoom Tips, Thanks Duke IT

During these times, we all have to rely on Zoom and similar technology. The following Zoom tips will help presenters: Looking your best Before your session: Make sure you are in a well-lit area Put your camera at face level (use a stand, or stack of books if you are...

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Remote Computing & Security During COVID-19

Remote Computing & Security During COVID-19

In today's climate hackers and predators are at there all time high as they try to capitalize on the Covid-19 Pandemic. The rise in remote users so quickly means not everyone was prepared with secure set ups, making them prime targets. So how do you prevent these...

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Corona Virus impact’s

Corona Virus impact’s

With the attack of the Corona Virus people are not getting the entire impact that this potential pandemic can bring besides sickness and death. What about the implications of people that use China for manufacturing, and many trades. Factories are closing or closed,...

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File sharing, is it the right tool for you?

My guess is, you have heard of Drop Box, Box or maybe even ShareFile. All of these are file synching apps that store and share files in the cloud and then down locally to a phone, tablet, laptop, PC or even a server. In today’s fast paced, “I need access now”,...

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The Year of the Hack (Data Breach)

The Year of the Hack (Data Breach)

This year again is the year of the hackers from Crypto Locker to the usual menace of Ransom and malware. Big companies like Target, Sony, JP Morgan in the past and the list goes on and on, the only constant I hear is that it could have been prevented. New this year...

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Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management

MDM, better known as Mobile Device Management, is becoming more and more important as we embrace smartphones and portable devices like laptops, iPhones, Androids, iPads and tablets in the workplace (BYOD). Here’s the snag… Managing and monitoring the devices and the...

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About eTegrity

We inspire and Guide Ceo’s and business owners to break through their ceilings of complexities to achieve their goals and a higher level of success as it relates to technology.

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