The Blog

Tech Tip #1 – Logins, Usernames and Passwords

Tech Tip #1 – Logins, Usernames and Passwords

Tech tip #1 of a 10 part series today's tip is on Logins, Usernames and Passwords. Hiring an outsourced Chief Information Officer - CIO, Chief Technology Officer - CTO, technology manager, whatever term you'd like to use, can take all of these technology worries off...

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Business Owners Can Save Money on IT

Business Owners Can Save Money on IT

Businesses handle IT in basically two ways – they have an in-house IT team or they use the services of an outsourced vendor or vendors. Either way, these IT professionals are essential to the success of any organization. They know how your systems work, how to secure...

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Why eTegrity? Watch My Video To Find Out

Why eTegrity? Watch My Video To Find Out

For those who know me, I am always networking and meeting new people. Of course, during the introduction state of these new relations, people want to know about me. They like to hear about my experience and how it helps their business. However, when I explain the...

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Microsoft Teams vs Zoom

Microsoft Teams vs Zoom

My good friend, Jeffrey Tebele of RCS Professional Services, recently sent me a copy of his company’s newsletter. The newsletter discusses the difference between Microsoft Teams and Zoom. In the era of COVID-19, business is conducted remotely through these two main...

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Steve, what do you do?

Steve, what do you do?

Technology, its terms and concepts, is very confusing and overwhelming to business owners and leaders. Therefore, they hate dealing with and leave it to IT professionals. When I am asked, Steve, what do you do? I see eyes gloss over and clear confusion on the face of...

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Tech Tip #9 – Getting What You Are Paying For

Make sure you're IT provider is living up to the Service Level Agreement that you both agreed upon. The Devil you have is not always better then what you might get with the right help. We can make sure you are getting what are paying for.

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Tech Tip #8 – Third-Party Tech Oversight

You owe it to yourself to have a third-party look at what your spending on IT. It makes sense to have an expert look at what your spending, and make sure you're getting the right products and services for the right price. Third-party tech oversight is worth the...

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Tech Tip #7 – Security and Hackers

We all think this will never happen to me until it does. So, don't get caught by the hackers. Get your environment checked for proper security.  

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Tech Tip #6 – Third-Party IT Oversight

Even the smartest people in the world only know what they know, It oversight by a third-party ensures you're not only getting what you should from your technology spend but that it is safe, secure and you're not paying for things that you either don't need or are not...

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Tech Tip #5 – Alignment Meetings

Do you have regular meetings with your IT Department or company to align your technology with your business goals? Hence, conduct alignment meetings. Alignment meetings are crucial to productivity and cost savings. Likewise, they are crucial to security....

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About eTegrity

We inspire and Guide Ceo’s and business owners to break through their ceilings of complexities to achieve their goals and a higher level of success as it relates to technology.

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