Your Technology Advisor
A technology-management company providing virtual Chief Information Officer services and third-party IT oversight
We make sure you’re using the best technology for your company and your goals
We work with your existing vendors to ensure there are no gaps or overlap in your technology services
We help you get the best possible price—and usually save you money
We’re not a technology company—and we’re not here to sell you products or services.
A Technology Management Company
and Virtual CIO with Proven Success
Popular Services We Offer
By digging in and understanding your current technology and company’s day-to-day, we can work with your providers to remove overlap, close gaps, and automate processes—improving productivity and your bottom line.
Meeting Your Goals
We create a detailed plan to ensure your technology is set up to support the growth and goals of your company. Our 4-step process ensures technology helps your company grow and succeed—it’s not just a necessary evil.
Technology Assessment
We review your servers, mission-critical workstations, and devices for fault-tolerance. We also review your data strategy including backup, anti-virus/spam, anti-spyware, and critical updates to ensure they are up to date. Then we recommend efficiency improvements and cost-reducing strategies.
As a part of your team, we guide you and your staff to align your business’ goals with its technology needs. With over 40 years of high-end IT experience, we provide an unbiased advisory approach with only your best interests in mind.